The Pixel Crush

-------------------------------------------|Digital Animation & Game Criticism|-------------------------------------------

Monday, 28 October 2013

The Evolution of an Ident

14th of January, negotiations begin...

David's initial design with directions

My grand ambitions...
...and unrealistic expectations

Modelling begins

Animation begins

Manuscript ideas are protoyped

An extreme example of the mental ray bevel shader

A classy example of the mental ray bevel shader

Many months pass- employment, side projects, and apathy prevent further progress.

16th of May, production resumes but quickly falters again. Creative dead ends and  over ambition takes its toll.

Tuning peg, so far so good

Cello Head? Just give up now.
Many more months pass, same feeble excuses.

9th of October, David breaks radio silence and I threaten myself with a fictional deadline while he posits a real one.

Text and motion blur are introduced!
Textures appear and I make use of little spheres to help me gauge how the materials are working.

I use a layered shader to blend between paint and scratched metal.

The layout of the scene

A text change is requested, and the box gets the axe too

Re-texturing and final logo

Specular highlights: check.

I use NUKE for the first time on a side project


  1. Incredibly talented animator, met all the criteria given.

  2. Incredibly talented animator, met all the criteria given.

  3. Incredibly talented animator, met all the criteria given.


Let The Discussion Begin: