The Pixel Crush

-------------------------------------------|Digital Animation & Game Criticism|-------------------------------------------

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Story Time?

In a miracle of modern technology I have, after much failing, managed to present my storyboard in a from available to all.  I really enjoyed the initial stages of storyboarding as I was able to tell the story from the script frame by frame and it was quick and creatively liberating after the inch by inch progress of normal animation.

Then it came to the neatening up stage and, I made a quick start, the standard of drawing gradually increased meaning each frame took longer than the last. In the end I was doing elaborate character poses, colour, dodging, burning, and shading. I much prefer the second half of the storyboard: less pirates dancing, more pirates being struck by lightning and falling overboard.

Loving the extreme close ups and epic long shots. Crazy angles at time too. I hope the hyperbolic composition fits the story, though we weren't given an audience to keep in mind, I fear the gore in one panel doesnt quite match the tone of the script. Oh well, it made me happy.


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